Guestbook and Memories

Swans in Fareham creek

Feel free to leave your own memories and stories in the public guestbook below.

The comment system was recently refreshed and any posts made in the guestbook will need to be posted again. The new system is powered by CommentBox, who need you to log in. You can either register with them or use an existing account you have with somebody else. This step helps prevent bots from posting nonsense here.

Whichever method of login you choose, CommentBox will communicate with them to log you in. CommentBox won't see your password unless you are registering with them, and we won't see any of your details at all.

Privacy information: User accounts are monitored by Facebook and/or any third party they are registered with. Any information you submit, including your login details, will not be handled by 20th Century Fareham. Your comment will be displayed publicly, as will whatever public profile details you have, such as your name. If you have any concerns, CommentBox have a full privacy policy. Your CommentBox account can be deleted at any time using the 'settings' (profile) button. This isn't the best place to raise any issues.