A Guide to the Shops of West Street

Rather than list every single shop on the West Street page and everything people could remember about them, I thought it would be easier to list them all here. This list doesn't claim to be exhaustive - it's a combination of stores I can remember, and ones people have told me I've forgotten.

Each listing is from the east end to the west end, because that's the way I usually walk it.

North Side

ShopDecember 2024 PurposeNotes.
Vitaluxemedical clinicPreviously Shell's Scentsational Smells, Mrs. Hills's High Street News founded 1993, then Crown Brighter Homes decorators and Fabric House.
XtendhairdressersPreviously Fareham Sight, BIJOU (2010), Fox & Sons, Grandford Carpets & Beds, Three Castles, G D Allan.
Fenwicksestate agentPreviously Para Siempre, Direct Spex (2010).
Verelle Hairdressing LtdhairdressersPreviously Keasts toy store, a large toy store which sold pushchairs too. A grand sloping roof has been removed. Used to carry Academy at no 5.
My DentistdentistPreviously Whitecross Dental Care, Stationary Store (2009), Tracy's Furniture Store (1950s-70s) A grand sloping roof has been removed.
Chaplinsestate agentsPreviously Your Move.
vacantPreviously Batchelor & Son chemist.
Just NailsbeauticianPreviously Tattoo Studio, Platinum Tattoo, Hill's greengrocers, Sutton stationers.
Platinum Tattoo LoungetattooistPreviously Fareham TV & Audio Centre, AV World. Under both names carried Sony and Pioneer branding. Before that Phillips & Son.
Pearsonsestate agentsPreviously Millbank. Knocked through to next door, which was Davis World Travel. Before that Black Horse Agencies.
Church Path (once the BHS back exit)Built 1981, replaced a shop (unknown).
Salt & SagerestaurantPreviously Three Joes, before that was vacant and used to promote Girl Guiding. Built 1981. Previously The Man's Shop/Norman Hyde, Dodges, Now Fashion.
shopping centre entrance (Osborn Mall)Built 1981, on the site of White Hart Inn, Paragon Hotel, Pyle's Bakery, Tesco groceries (1960). Refurbishments include 2013. Quietest entrance of the three.
Milletsoutdoors storeBuilt on the site of Weston Hart and Pyle's Alley, before that The Coffee Lounge, Priory.
SpecsaversopticiansKnocked through to former La Senza unit. Previously Stead and Simpson shoes and Conlessa.
Sports DirectsportswearSupermarket unit. Previously Co-Op (2010), Somerfield (2004), Gateway, International Stores, Mac Markets and Macfisheries Food Centre.
Lloyds BankbankPreviously branded Lloyds TSB, F Meyers Ltd dental surgery.
Coffee #1coffee shopPreviously Room, South Coast Furnishings, FADS, Credit Crunchers.
Rowans Hospicecharity shopPreviously The Framing Centre, F Meyer's greengrocers, Home and Colonial Tea Stores - the advert can still be seen on the wall.
alley to back of shops (Cawte's Place)
British Heart Foundationcharity shopBriefly Cheeky Cow milkshakes, previously Radio Rentals.
La Galeriecoffee shopWas an optician in 2002.
Debracharity shopPreviously Leeds Permanent Building Society.
Star Nails and BeautybeauticianPreviously NCH charity shop, Leeds Permanent Building Society and a cleaners. Knocked through to vacant unit next door.
Previously La Brioche, Electronequip (1990s).
CoralbookmakersPreviously Cafe Sorento, Going Places travel agent, Corbin's shoe shop.
UtopiarestaurantPreviously Boots Opticians, Oliver's. Approximate location of Forte's. Was re-built with shopping centre extension.
shopping centre entrance (Westbury Mall)Built 1975. Refurbishments include 2013. Previously Harvey's.
Tidalvape storePreviously Ernest Jones.
HSBCbankFollows through to Shopping Centre. Originally Midland Bank.
SantanderbankPreviously Abbey (2010), Abbey National (1980s-2003), Harlequin Cleaners. Snooker Club upstairs.
Hays Traveltravel agentPreviously Hadleigh, Fareham Toy Store, Dyers, Electrone Quip.
Leightons OpticiansopticiansPreviously Quality Seconds clothes, Pickfords Travel, The Compleat Bookshop.
VPZvape storePreviously Early Learning Centre, Compleat Cookshop, Share drug store.
German Doner KebabrestaurantPreviously Burger King. Opened as Wimpy, with Rama hair studios upstairs.
shopping centre entrance (Delme Mall)Built 1975. Refurbishments include 2013. Previously a solicitors, dentist and library here, also Halfords in the 1960s.
vacantPreviously Harveys, Birkett & Walsh. Had a snooker club upstairs.
HalifaxbankPreviously Currys, Kitchens, SBS, Brutton, Midland Bank - which is now owned by HSBC, and knocked through to Mary Rose, Halfords (1970s-2000s) - who had a shopping centre entrance.
vacantPreviously Poundland, 99p Store, Family Bargains (2012), Woolworths (2008), Savoy House Cinema (1933-1959). Back end was annexed and raised to form Next in Delme Mall. Woolworths was fondly remembered for its restaurant, chart music and pick 'n' mix.
CEXgamingPreviously Rosebys, Curry's, Harvey's. There was a tobacconist here.
Eden Mobility Previously Stead and Simpson (2011), Shoefayre (2008), SBS European Kitchens, Maynard's sweet shop.
WHSmithbookstoreOriginally Woolworths. Part of the Savoy Buildings. Now incorporates Post Office.
Luxury Nails FarehambeauticianPreviously Greggs, Weigh and Save, Snap, Dewhurst butchers, Gadsden. Part of the Savoy Buildings.
NationwidebankPreviously Singer Sewing Machines, Netwears, Chapmans Laundry. Part of the Savoy Buildings.
Westbury Road
GreggsbakeryBroken into two. Previously Argos, Tesco Home & Wear, Victor Value supermarket, originally Green Shield stamp shop, built on site of a house.
Fareham Nail SpabeauticianBroken into two. Previously Argos, Tesco Home & Wear, Victor Value supermarket, originally Green Shield stamp shop, built on site of a house.
Stonescoffee shopPreviously Ronald Wilson (jeweller), Coopers/Bollom, Bata, Share Drug Store, Superdrug, Dorothy Perkins, London Menswear, Zoe Clothing, Celebrations.
McDonald'srestaurantOpened 1985. Previously the grand Embassy Cinema (1938-1983), Alexandra Theatre (1906-1938), Electrical Theatre. Ronald Wilson stood to the left.
Morrisons DailynewsagentsPreviously branded Martin's then McColl's, before that H W Bartlett & Son, John Turner Ltd, Lamb & Coleborn.
alley to back of shop/Flying Angel
Rancho SteakhouserestaurantPreviously Halifax, Barclays Bank, post office, and fire station. An alley on the left was called Post Office Place.
Noble Hair CompanyhairdressersPreviously Hug jewellers (2010), Ronald Wilson (until 2006), Halfords?, E. J. Woods (greengrocers).
vacantPreviously Yoga Junkie, Reed, closed around 2011 and then re-used in 2018. A jewellers before that, then King & Power.
vacantPreviously the Post Office (including WHSmith branding before it closed in 2016), The Horse & Groom pub, Temperence Hotel and access to a builder's yard.
Naomi Housecharity shopOasis Recruitment upstairs, previously Top Drawer. Originally the site of the White Horse pub.
H&T Pawnbrokersprawn brokersOasis Recruitment upstairs. Originally the White Horse pub.
Game NationarcadePreviously Golden Touch, Slot Casino (2010), Playland (2009), Smith and Vospers bakery.
Vape & Smoke Bazaarvape storePreviously TSB, Cheltenham & Gloucester (2013). Approximate location of KFC.
Sue Rydercharity shopPreviously Hookies.
Thai Spicerestaurant 
private alley to Malthouse Lane
Ramze Barber ShophairdressersPreviously Belleza Eterna, Tiffany's, Novello.
Fone Revivephone shopPreviously 131-4-Fun, The Money Shop.
Solent Branchcharity shopPreviously The Stubbington Ark Shop, furniture store.
Speedy Fix Phone Repairsrepair storePreviously London Camera Exchange.
Pizza GogorestaurantPreviously Sony Centre.
La DivabeauticianOriginal Malthouse Lane was about here.
Headwaycharity shopPreviously Sweets N Treats, B Tatford Family Butcher.
Let's Go Localconvenience storePreviously BBQ Boss, Fish 'n' More, Whistlers, Deep Blue, B Tatford Family Butcher.
Pizza Hut DeliveryrestaurantPreviously Santander, Alliance & Leicester, Hardings Family Repository.
Osborn Road South
Abbey ElectricselectronicsPreviously Techno Trade, Coleman's Camping Equipment.
PK's Tattoos PiercingstattooistPreviously Wain's and then Quarton's greengrocers.
Pasha BarberhairdressersPreviously Paradise Lounge, Mugshot, Farm Forest & Sea, P&S Cripps Fishmongers (1916 - 2013).
SkoolkitchildrenswearMoved here from Trinity Street. Originally Connaught Territorial Army Centre.
Consol Suncentertanning salon 
Tang, Bentley & JacksonsolicitorsPreviously Glanvilles Solicitors.
Fareham Swim School Was Pam Purred Pets until 2015, demolished in 2016.
Vapouriumvape storeWas HM Hair Design Group, demolished in 2016.
ALS Lock & SecuritylocksmithWas Cash Converters, then divided back into two.
vacantWas Cash Converters, then divided back into two.
The 157 StoremeanswearPreviously branded One Five Seven.
Fareham Food Centrefood storePreviously Sammy Delicatessen, Solent Cycles, Cycle Paths (2009), Starmarker Sports.
Thai ExpriencerestaurantBroken into two. Previously a hotel, and a gas showroom.
Kens Speedy PizzarestaurantBranded Ken's Fried Chicken before being split into two units. Previously a hotel, and a gas showroom.
Trinity Street
Communnity First Part of Church View House. Previously Community Action Fareham. Rebuilt in 2008 to replace a pub-club, known as (in reverse order): MODA, Pitchers, Daniels, Royal Oak.
Big Pete'stattooistPart of Church View House, opened 2008. Previously Wools.
Craft Crazygift shopPart of Church View House, opened 2008.
The Fareham Galleryart shopPart of Church View House, opened 2008.
CostcuttersupermarketChurch upstairs. Building built in the 1960s, originally McIlroys department store. Later Heli-Beds, Classic Carpets, Jendenink Craftworks. Previously the King's Head pub.
Fareham Hardware Storehardware storePreviously Woofers, Trussel Trust Furniture Shop, Mckintosh Funeral Directors, Ideal Kit electronics, Deborah's and Solent Mobility Centre, originally McIlroys department store. Church upstairs.
Gateway Church FarehamchurchMain unit previously Cafe Imbizo, Tino's Coffee House, Classic Carpets and Techno Trade - a huge electronics store. Church upstairs. Building built in the 1960s to house Pricerite supermarket. Before that there was a row of shops here, including Mrs Jemmet's sweet shop.
Fierce Murray ThairestaurantPart of Portsdown House. Previously: South Coast Appliances, Techno Trade, McIlyroy's, Dodge City, Pricerite supermarket.
Lisa Edwardsdress shopPreviously ...by Lisa Marie, Bathroom World (2011), Bastins Schoolwear (2009). Part of Portsdown House.
Portsdown House access and alley to Russel Place
Golden CuthairdressersPreviously Smart Cut, Excellent Cut, Digital Piano Showroom, then part of Kimbers.
Sweet Peasplay areaPreviously When I Grow Up, Kimbers Keyboards & Musical Instruments.
Garden Shed Cafecoffee shopPreviously The Hayward Studio.
alley to back of shops
Domino's PizzarestaurantOriginally a hotel?.
Aroy ThairestaurantPreviously Crumblejack, JoJo Gelato, LJ Chinese Restaurant, Jefferys Furniture Store.
Golden BoatrestaurantSecond-oldest Chinese Restaurant in town, the first being in Portland Street. Previously The Cresta Run Coffee Bar, popular with teenagers. Approximate site of Reynald's wallpaper and Arlington's Nursing Home. Current building built in the 1970s.
vacantPreviously The Fiji Market, Ebony & Ivory, SDM Coffee House and Design, Printing.Com, British Caledonian.
The LoungehairdressersPreviously Swinton, Colonnade (2010), Equity (2009), Barclays.
Helping Handscare homeThackeray House. Previously YMCA, the Job Centre.
ResurrectionspaRebuilt from Orchid Thai Massage & Spa, before that Marked & Sparkling.
vacantPreviously N&S newsagent, Pyramid News, Bizzleys. Rama hair stuido was originally upstairs.
HelpboxcomputingPreviously Fareham PC Centre, The Kleen Machine, Ian Beauty Solutions, Pearsons, Glazer estate agents.
Praills Opticiansopticians 
Occasionsdress shopPreviously Lydia Rose, Access Key & Lock, CentreSecurity locksmiths.
alley to Derlyn Road
Fareham BarbershairdressersPreviously Town Cut.
Cafe Ethoscoffee shopPreviously West Street Dental Clinic (2010), SBK Estate Agents.
Turtles Day NurserynurseryPreviously The White Cockade restaurant.

South Side

ShopCurrent PurposeNotes.
JMS Financial ConsultancyconsultantUpstairs. Previously FPR Tech, Addecco.
vacantPreviously Buzz Recruitment, Holmes and Company.
Fox & Sonsestate agentsBuilt on the site of Righton & Bennett MOT garage.
alley to back of shopsOffices upstairs.
CackleberrysbarPreviously La Saletta.
art-Kart schoolPreviously Whites, Thomas Bushell, Barons, Leppards, Walker Waterer, Helleyers Coaches.
Adelaide Place
KumorestaurantPreviously McDambi's, Ask Italian, Butler & Cooke estate agents, Friday Ad.
alley to new Tesco road
Royal StitchestailorPreviously RBS, then broken into two. Site of the Kings Arms pub.
Trubshaws Hair CompanyhairdressersPreviously all Good Things. Broken into two, before that RBS. Site of the Kings Arms pub.
Ashbourne Assets & InvestmentsinvestmentPreviously Tenant Network, Hampshire Feature Fires, Designer Kitchens. Site of the Kings Arms pub.
British Heart Foundation Furniture & Electricalcharity shopPreviously Courts.
Antonio'srestaurantPreviously The Braemar Grill.
Jeffries & Dibbensestate agentsPreviously Cubitt & West.
Leadersestate agentsWilliams & Glyn's Bank (1970s).
mydentistdentistPreviously Cafe Tusk, Tiffins and Thalis, Cafe Tusk again, before that GA Days builder's yard (1990s), Bradfords (1960s), H Clark ironmonger. The Solent Club, which moved from a snooker club to a nightclub, was upstairs and closed after arson.
Quay Street
The IronmasterpubPreviously The Tavern, The Market Tavern, Whitbread, The Brass Monkey, The Bugle. Knocked through to next door, which was a buther's.
alley to back of shop (Hewlett Court)
Stephens BarbershairdressersPreviously Multivision, Foto Service.
IcelandsupermarketBuilt 2006 on the site of a car park. Before that Hinxman's garage, later Sergeants Cafe.
SupercutshairdressersRough location of Gabbies burger bar, later West Street Arcade.
The Crownpub-restaurantA Wetherspoons brand. Formerly The Crown Brewery (1840s), The Crown Inn (1900s).
Yorkshire Building SocietybankPreviously Nailz, Tresmonds hairdressers, West Street Arcade (late 1980s), Shepherd's leather goods (1950s) and a confectioner.
Bealsestate agentsPreviously Manpower, which is now in Church Path.
NatwestbankOriginally the Market Hall / St Peter and St Paul's Parish Hall, Market House court. Previously Provincial Bank, National Westminster.
Cafe Nerocoffee shopPart of Market Quay development (2005). Site of Price's School? And the fire station. Previously Woolwich here.
KungfurestaurantPart of Market Quay development (2005), first leased to JJB Sport. Original fire station.
Cremer MallOutdoor shopping street, built 2005. Opposite the grandstand. Originally entrance to the cattle market, then toilets and a café were built here (2002).
The Slug and Lettucepub-restaurantPreviously Vangard. Part of Market Quay development (2005). Before that there was a sports shop.
United Reform Churchpub-restaurantOccupied by The Vangard, now Slug and Lettuce. Before that it was a soup kitchen, then the Congregational Church.
delivery yardPreviously NCP car parking (1980s), cattle auction access (1920s).
Warner GoodmansolicitorsPortland Hall (Portland Chambers). Previously branded Goodman & Streat, Warner Goodman & Streat and Warner's. Previously TSB, the Lecture Building, Town Hall, Corn Exchange, Portland Hall, a post office, Trustee Savings Bank, Portsmouth Savings Bank, UDC offices.
Willows FurniturefurniturePart of Portland Hall. Flower sales outside. Built 1835 to symbolise Fareham.
delivery yardLocation of Portland Street.
TK MaxxclothingPart of Market Quay development (2005), previously a car park, originally Hants & Dorset and Southdown bus station (until 1992), Thackeray Cottage (until 1931).
Poundlanddiscount storePart of Market Quay development (2005), previously a car park, originally Hants & Dorset and Southdown bus station. Previously Wilko/Wilkinsons.
BetfredbookmarkersPart of Market Quay development (2005), previously car parking, originally the site of a Wesleyan chapel.
Vito LoungerestaurantPreviously Robert Dyas, part of the Market Quay development (2005), before that market space.
Harper WayTaxi rank. Built 2005. Rough location of Savon.
Westbury Manormuseum and coffee shopPreviously Fareham Urban District council offices (1932-1972), before that the town workhouse. There was a Southern Electricity Showroom on the corner (later estate agents).
Hartlands Road
Every Cloudvape storeOriginally Southern Evening News, then an office for The News.
A-Plan InsuranceinsurancePreviously Olan Mills Family Portraits (2008), Betfred (2005), Fareham Carpet Centre, Southern Whitewood.
CiaraJadehairdressersPreviously Andrew Smith Salon, Capelli, Murray's Meanswear, Pines.
vacantPreviously Spin City, Cheque Centre, Korda Coiffeur.
Nailz @ 96beauticianPreviously Age UK, Help The Aged.
vacantPreviously Megabet, Ladbrokes, Baxters.
The Lord Arthur Leepub-restaurantA Wetherspoons brand.
vacantPreviously Fast Tan. Part of Chequers House, was demolished in the 1960s. Once a three-storey Cooperative, with fabrics and electricals downstairs, clothes and furniture on the second floor, and a café upstairs. After that a gym.
vacantPreviously Cassino. Part of Chequers House. Once a three-storey Cooperative, with fabrics and electricals downstairs, clothes and furniture on the second floor, and a café upstairs. After that a gym.
PattayarestaurantPreviously Lemongrass, Naz, before that Tung Sing.
Rainbowcharity shopPreviously www.blindintuition.com (2010), The Well Christian Shop, Christian Books and Gifts and coffee shop, Franks Café, Fareham Camera Centre.
Sawasdeemassage parlourPreviously Hampshire Sewing Centre, Wools?.
The West Street CentrecounsellingPrevously Fareham Wellbeing Centre, Spotlight (2010).
Papa John'srestaurantPreviously Kallkwik, and a shoe repair shop.
Kings RoadOriginally home to Maria's Café, Norman's barbers and Dorothy Grace florists.
vacantPreviously Snuffles Dog Grooming, Alterations. Part of Foresters' Hall.
vacantPreviously Heathen Chemistry Records, Gadget Repair Specialists, Tkuk, Park Place. Part of Foresters' Hall, once owned by Birks.
vacantPreviously The Bridal Suite. Part of Foresters' Hall.
vacantPreviously Birks. Part of Foresters' Hall. Knocked through to next door.
La OrientrestaurantPreviously E Birks Ltd, with Dragon Palace upstairs.
Charcoal GrillrestaurantPreviously Bodrum.
Mandaleigh Studiosdance schoolPreviously Robin's Nest, 99p Store, Zodiac Cash & Carry. Formerly a Cooperative, this one sold groceries, then Comet.
Holy Trinity Churchchurch and war memorial 
alley to back of shops
Canton ExpressrestaurantPreviously The Pizza Place, Little Caesars Pizza, church hall.
Project:AthleticgymPreviously Oasis Convenience Store, church hall.
The Boutique Haberdasheryfabric storePreviously Swinton - they moved over the road, before that Southern Evening Echo, Wimpy Bar, church hall.
South Coast Appliancesappliance storeOnce a florist, it's on the site of the church hall.
Innovate Marketing Previously Rawsons. Once a ladieswear shop.
...and Groomersdog groomingLove Bathrooms, Blue2 Bathrooms, Rawsons The Florist.
The Glow-Up ClinicbeauticianPreviously Nail Creation, ACB.
Aesthetics & Beauty By DeborahbeauticianPreviously In With The In Crowd.
Fairhaven Healthcarehealth carePreviously Lisa Edwards.
The Thrift Shop Previously The Boutique Haberdashery, Sarah Jayne, Grandford Carpet Mills, Fareham Art Gallery.
West Street AlehousebarPreviously Legacy 4 Life, The Boutique Woolery, Simon's Barber Shop.
vacantPreviously Sea Licious, Fareham Sewing Machines.
Mac-Shackcomputer repairPreviously Fareham PC Centre, The Door Store.
Vintage Tea Roomstea roomsPreviously Antiques of Fareham, Quickstitch.
The English Cutting Companyhairdressers 
AIM Home Care Previously Wedding Mai Design, Steve Ellis Hairdressing, Kitchen & Bathrooms, Katie-Anns.
vacantPreviously The Market, Rovers Sea Tackle Ltd, 4u2brew, Harvey Homebrew.
Grameen SpicerestaurantPreviously The Corriander, Rahuls Takeaway.
Chris Gage Hairdressinghairdressers 
Rovers Fishing TacklefisheryMoved from next door. Knocked through to next door. Previously Beaumonts, Shirtking, Pontaprint.
Solent Diabetes Associationcharity shopPreviously Rovers Fishing Tackle.
Organic Treatment CompanybeauticianPreviously Fareham Fireplaces, Wastie & Clarke Estate Agents.
Oxfam Books & Musiccharity shop 
Indian Cottage RestaurantrestaurantPreviously the notorious Star of Bengal?. Before that Cookayne's Restaurant.
UmanirestaurantPreviously Anapuma, Perfect Pizza, Self Fit Ltd.
Cartridge WorldcomputingPreviously Cheshire Opticians.
EnvyhairdressersPreviously Curran Insurance Brokers, John Cole Quality Carpets.
Heathen Chemistryrecord storePreviously Judylou Cakes, Kree-ate-a-Cake, Abbey Electrics.
Glitter Nails FarehambeauticianPreviously Brown's Coffee House, Kraftea Coffee, A Touch Of Class, Lloyds bank.
vacantPreviously Table Manners, Zaza Bowtique, Flowers By Lucy, Fareham Nets, Rice Scholes and Blake solicitors.
Snufflesdog groomingPreviously Hampshire Sewing Machine, Grove Care Group, Millards, L S Vail estate agent.
Crescent Road
West Street WorkwearworkwearPreviously Spoilt Rotten Workshop, then a yard for Glider Coaches.
alley to autocentres
private housePreviously a yard for Glider Coaches.
CaribanarestaurantPreviously Traditional Fish & Chips, Jack's Fish & Chips, W Hansons' fish and chips.
Made By Mepottery storePreviously Just Cremation, Hargroves Cycles.
Sea Of SpicerestaurantPreviously branded New Spice Indian Restaurant.
vacantPreviously Scientific Services (Paisley) Ltd, Bunce's Model shop.